Con of the North decided to move to virtual next year. Which means I can actually attend, for the first time in many years. And that means I should start thinking of games to run. But my well of inspiration … Continue reading
Tag Archives: 8 Tokens
A while back, the Weekly Group did what I assume is the first serious playtest of 8 Tokens. (I assume so, anyway, because I haven’t heard any other reports back. If you’ve tried playing it, let me know!) It worked … Continue reading
I got to do a playtest of 8 Tokens. More about that later, but one specific piece of feedback: I needed to come up with more examples of things to be good at. So, here are a few: Acting convincingly … Continue reading
The GM and players agree on a setting and general scenario. Think of a character. Write down three things your character is good at, and one thing your character is really good at. Write each in the form of “[Really … Continue reading